New 64-bit Servers are coming soon!

(Note: We are not yet ready to announce a release date for transfers to these new game worlds, but we want to share this information with you as soon as possible to assist in your preparations. Thank you!)

The Lord of the Rings Online is excited to announce that four new 64-bit servers will make their debut on (DATE COMING SOON)! Two of these servers are based in the United States, and two of these servers are based in Europe. With the inclusion of our existing 64-bit VIP access servers called Angmar and Mordor we will now have six 64-bit worlds to give you the fastest and best in-game experience possible!

We intend to keep our existing 32-bit game worlds open into the future, but we hope and expect many players will want to transfer to these new worlds. So, we are announcing a free transfer plan to allow players on 32-bit North American worlds to transfer to our new 64-bit North American worlds, and players on our 32-bit European worlds to transfer to our new 64-bit European worlds.

Here are the details:

(STARTS DATE A): VIP subscribers will be able to log into the game world to access the character creation screen on their destination world and secure up to three names per 64-bit world of their choice. VIPs will not be able to log into the game world to play, or be able to transfer their existing characters, but they can create characters with their desired names and then later rename their transferred character to their preferred name after deleting the placeholder character.

(STARTS DATE B): Free transfers from 32-bit to 64-bit worlds will be available to all players. The new game worlds themselves will remain closed, but the transfer tool will be enabled to allow for transfers to these worlds.

(STARTS DATE C): Our new game worlds open! Free transfers from 32-bit to 64-bit game worlds will continue through August 31st, 2025. Free transfers between the new 64 bit worlds will operate on a rotating weekly basis and continue through (DATE).

(STARTS DATE D): We are working to allow for free transfers from many previously-closed game worlds to these new 64-bit worlds. We will have more information on timing for these closed-world transfers in the future. We will likely open transfers to a few game worlds at a time over a period of time and leave transfers from these worlds open until a later announced date. After this final transfer period these previously-closed worlds will be permanently closed, and no future character transfers will be possible.

What do I need to know about these new 64-bit worlds?

We are opening two regular game worlds and two role-playing-focused worlds for North America and Europe. The worlds are:

  • Glamdring (NA)

  • Peregrin (NA-RP)

  • Orcrist (EU)

  • Meriadoc (EU-RP)

Our role-play-designated worlds are meant to give guidance to fellow role-players as they consider their destination world. We do not enforce role play appropriate naming nor require players on the server to role play. Anyone can play on these worlds (similar to how things are now on Landroval and Laurelin!)

These new 64-bit worlds are in addition to our existing 64-bit Legendary Worlds:

  • Angmar (US-VIP)

  • Mordor (EU-VIP)

Angmar and Mordor are special Veil of the Nine worlds where transfers to the world are not enabled, and players start fresh with new characters. You can read more about Angmar and Mordor on

What do I need to know about Character Transfers?

You will transfer your characters through the game launcher. After entering your user name and password, you will see a “Transfer” button on the launcher. Press it to select which character from which game world you want to transfer from, which world you want to transfer to, and decide whether or not you are including Shared Items in your transfer. The transfer takes just a few minutes. You cannot be logged into the character while attempting to do a transfer. Shared Items Transfer remains available even if all characters have moved off of a world.

If you have more items in Shared Storage, Escrow, Shared Housing storage, or other form of storage than you have available to interact with due to account limits, everything will transfer over, and the relevant storage will be in a withdraw-only state until you get below your available limit.

In preparation for the introduction of new 64-bit worlds, we are increasing the base number character slots available to VIP and premium accounts. VIP accounts with active subscriptions will have access to 12 free player character slots (increased from 7). Premium accounts will have access to 10 free player character slots (increased from 5). Character slots free accounts and for monster play characters are unchanged.

What about names?

If another character exists on your destination game world with the same name as your character, your character’s name will be appended with a –1. If a character-1 already exists, your name will be appended with –2, -3, etc.

In the case that your character’s name was taken and given a numeric suffix, once inside of the game world you can change your name one time for free by typing the command /changename (NEW NAME) and pressing enter. You can select any name within our Code of Conduct that is not already being used by another character on your game world.

Most storage and Wallet items will overflow if needed, which means that you will not be able to add additional items to that form of storage until the total is reduced below your limit. However, the following items will NOT overflow from your Wallet:

  • Embers of Enchantment

  • Motes of Enchantment

  • Figments of Splendour

  • Monster Play Commendations

You will need to spend below your destination server Wallet cap prior to transfer if you do not wish to lose any of these currencies.

Temporary Free Transfers Between New 64-bit Worlds

We will temporarily offer free transfers between the new US 64 bit worlds, and between the new EU 64 bit worlds, on a weekly rotating basis until (DATE). This will allow players who accidentally find themselves on the wrong world, or who end up wanting to instead join a group on a different world, the opportunity to transfer their characters to their final destination world. Each week, Wednesday until the next Wednesday downtime, we will alternate between the ability to transfer between the Role Play and Regular worlds.

Week 1: Free transfers from Peregrin to Glamdring and from Meriadoc to Orcrist.

Week 2: Free transfers from Glamdring to Peregrin and from Orcrist to Meriadoc

Etc. Through (DATE)

What do I need to know about Kinship Transfers if I am a Kin Leader?

You should NOT disband your Kinship. Kinship leaders MUST Abandon or Sell their Kinship Houses before they can transfer. Kinship leaders should Sell their Premium Kinship Houses in order to have 100% of the Writ cost of the Kinship house returned to them. The writs will be returned to you as an item in your inventory. Kinship Leaders should Abandon their Classic Kinship Houses prior to character transfer. To Abandon or Sell your Kinship House, open your Character Panel by pressing C, select House, then select the house you wish to Abandon or Sell. The only difference between Abandon and Sell is that players Abandon their Classic houses and do not get their Gold purchase price returned. Please note that Kinship Leaders Abandoning or Selling their Kinship House prior to transfer is different from normal classic or premium player housing transfer, where you should NOT abandon or sell your home prior to transferring your character.

When transferring a character who is a Kinship leader, the game will disband the Kinship on the former world and reform the Kinship on the new world, complete with all historical data. Players who were in that Kinship will be automatically added to the Kinship on the new world if they decide to follow the Kinship leader and transfer.

NOTE: The Kinship Leader should be the first character in the Kinship to log into the game world following transfer. If a Kinship member logs in prior to the Kinship leader, the member will be removed from the kinship, since the new kinship is not yet established on the game world. Please coordinate with your Kinship leaders on the timing of transfers. If you are removed from your Kinship, your Kinship leader will simply need to re-invite you to the Kinship and set your permissions.

Bound items in the Kinship house will be returned to their owners. Unbound items will be placed into the Kinship leader’s Personal Housing Storage or Escrow depending on the item. Any remaining pre-paid credit or unlocked storage in the Kinship house will be automatically granted when purchasing a new Kinship house on the destination world.

We know that not everyone will be able to get the same house in the same location they have on their former world, but we will be working to offer as many neighborhoods as possible for the launch of these new worlds.

What do I need to know about Kinship Transfers if I am a Kin member?

You do not need to leave your Kinship, and you’ll automatically be re-joined to your kin after you transfer as long as the Kinship leader has logged into your destination game world before your character. Any of the character-bound items that you have placed into your Kinship house will be returned to you when the Kinship House is Abandoned (classic housing) or Sold (premium housing). Any unbound items will be in the Escrow or Personal Housing Storage of the Kinship leader after they’ve purchased a new Kinship house.

What do I need to know about my existing personal Housing and transfers?

There are few things you need to do other than transfer. The belongings and history of the ownership of your house will go with your character to your destination world. When you log into the destination world you will have a mail that contains an attachment of currency equal to the purchase cost of the house. All of your items will be in Escrow Housing Storage, and character-bound items will be returned to their appropriate characters.

You will need to purchase a new Premium home with the writs you receive if you wish. Housing Storage Upgrades persist with your new home when you have a new housing chest. Players should consider putting hooked items into character storage and removing anything from their small Premium per-house Storage Chests prior to transfer if they plan to move only a few characters, and they wish to leave certain decorations behind for characters that are remaining on the existing server. If you are moving all your home owners, remember to transfer the account bound storage from your former server to get your decorations available on the new world. Players should also remove items from Shared Housing Storage that are bound to characters that they do not intend to transfer, or remove items bound to a character that they do intend to transfer if they do not intend to transfer their Shared Item Storage at this time.

For non-Premium homes, storage capacity will be preserved and applied to the house you decide to purchase on your destination world. When you purchase your new home, it will start fresh with upkeep, ownership time, and grace period time just like any other newly-purchased non-Premium home.

Recommended Transfer Order:

To make the process go as smoothly as possible, we recommend transferring characters to destination worlds in the following order:

  1. Kinship Leaders

  1. Home Owners

  1. Shared Items

  1. Other Characters


  • In-game mail is NOT transferred. Make sure you detach all mail items you wish to keep prior to transfer. Any items or messages lost during the transfer process will not be restored by Customer Support.

  • Any Auctions underway will be lost, so complete your Auctions and get your stuff prior to transferring.

  • Your progress on the Legendary Items Reward Track will not come with you to your destination world. Please claim your Reward Track rewards prior to undergoing a character transfer.

  • Your Friends and Ignore list is not preserved.

A Note About Player Versus Monster Player Transfers:

Monster Play characters will be able to transfer for free to these new 64 bit worlds, and Player versus Monster Player gameplay will be enabled on these new worlds.

Frequently Asked Questions:

General Information:

Q: What are the new 64-bit servers, and why are they being introduced?

A: 64-bit servers offer many technological advances compared to our prior 32-bit servers, including the ability to better manage resources and offer the smoothest possible gameplay experience to our community. These servers operate on modern technological standards and position the game for success and growth long into the future.

Q: What are the server options?

  • Regular Servers: Glamdring (NA) and Orcrist (EU).

  • Roleplay Servers: Peregrin (NA) and Meriadoc (EU)

Q: Are roleplay servers restricted to lore-appropriate character names?

A: No, character names on the roleplay servers do not need to be lore-appropriate. We do encourage everyone to be respectful of the stories being created by our role players inside of the game.

Q: Will EU servers have language-specific chat channels?

A: We are working to create separate French and German World Chat channels for Orcrist and Meriadoc. We also have a new LOTRO Discord featuring French and German communities in addition to French and German language support on our web site and forums. Click here to join The Lord of the Rings Online Official Discord.

Q: Will the 32-bit game worlds be closing?

A: At this time we do not intend to close our 32-bit game worlds. Eventually, we would like players to experience the game on our 64-bit game worlds, but as long as the populations of our 32-bit game worlds remain healthy we intend to keep these worlds open.

Q: Are these new game worlds “Legendary” servers?

A: No, these are regular game worlds with the same level cap and content available as the rest of the game worlds.

Q: Will Player Versus Monster Player gameplay be available on these new worlds?

A: Yes! PvMP is fully available on Glamdring, Orcrist, Peregrin, and Meriadoc.

Q: Will the Legendary Worlds’ “Veil of the Nine” mechanic be available on these new worlds?

A: No, the Ringwraith battles and other aspects of the “Veil of the Nine” are limited to Angmar and Mordor.

Character Transfers and Name Reservations:

Q: Can I transfer characters between regions (NA and EU)?

A: Unfortunately, transfers between NA and EU servers are not currently possible due to a technological issue. Players on existing 32-bit EU worlds can transfer to Orcrist and Meriadoc, and players on existing 32-bit NA worlds can transfer to Glamdring and Peregrin.

Q: Will character transfers onto the new 64-bit servers (Gladring, Orcrist, Meriadoc, Peregrin) be free?

A: Yes, all character transfers onto the new 64-bit servers (Glamdring, Orcrist, Meriadoc, Peregrin) will be free through August 31st, 2025.

Q: What is the transfer process timeline for the new 64-bit servers?

(STARTS DATE A): VIP subscribers will be able to log into each new 64-bit game world to access the character creation screen and secure up to three names of their choice. VIPs will not be able to log into the game world itself or transfer their existing characters.

(STARTS DATE B): Free transfers from 32-bit to 64-bit worlds will be available to all players. The game worlds themselves will remain closed, but the transfer tool will be enabled to allow for transfers to these worlds.

(STARTS DATE C): Our new game worlds open! Free transfers from 32-bit to 64-bit game worlds will continue through August 31st, 2025.

(STARTS DATE D): We are working to allow for free transfers from previously-closed game worlds to these new 64-bit worlds. We will have more information on timing for these closed-world transfers in the future. We will likely open transfers to a few game worlds at a time over a period of time and leave transfers open until a later announced date. After this final transfer period these previously-closed worlds will be permanently closed, and no future character transfers will be possible.

Q: Can I transfer characters for free between Glamdring and Peregrin or between Orcrist and Meriadoc?

A: Yes, We will temporarily offer free transfers between the new US 64 bit worlds, and between the new EU 64 bit worlds, on a weekly rotating basis until (DATE). This will allow players who accidentally find themselves on the wrong world, or who end up wanting to instead join a group on a different world, the opportunity to transfer their characters to their final destination world. Each week, Wednesday until the next Wednesday downtime, we will alternate between the ability to transfer between the Role Play and Regular worlds.

Week 1: Free transfers from Pippin to Glamdring and from Meriadoc to Orcrist.

Week 2: Free transfers from Glamdring to Pinnin and from Orcrist to Meriadoc

Etc. Through (DATE)

Q: Will I have to transfer characters one at a time?

A: It is possible to “Select All” characters on a server during transfer.

Q: What happens to my character names during the transfer?

If another character exists on your destination game world with the same name as your character, your character’s name will be appended with a –1. If a character-1 already exists, your name will be appended with –2, -3, etc.

Once inside of the game world you can change your name one time for free by typing the command /changename (NEW NAME) and pressing enter. Your can select any name within our Code of Conduct that is not already being used by another character on your game world.

If you believe someone has deliberately and maliciously taken your name, please contact Customer Support through and we will do our best to assist.

Q. What Account information on my former game world will transfer to my destination game world?

A: Account properties that will transfer are:

  • Destiny Points

  • Shared storage (Bank)

  • Housing storage*

  • Wardrobe

  • Shared currency (all account-shared paper items, including Mithril and Skirmish Marks)**

*Housing Storage underwent significant changes in 2014, and characters that have not been logged into since 2014 may lose their Housing Storage items connected to that character. Logging into the relevant character prior to transferring will resolve this issue.

**There is an unlikely edge case here: If a wallet currency item used to be character-bound rather than account-bound AND you have not logged into your character since the currency was changed, any amount you have banked will remain with your character and will not be transferred unless you also transfer that character. Logging into a character prior to transferring them will resolve this issue.

Q: Will shared storage transfer with characters?

A: Yes, you will have the option to transfer shared storage alongside your characters. You can also transfer Shared Storage separately.

Q: Can I transfer for free from Treebeard to another game world?

A: Yes, free transfers from Treebeard will be available through August 31st, 2025. If we decide to end the Treebeard experience after that point in time we will offer free transfers again from the game world.

Q: Does the progress I have made in my Legendary Items Reward Track carry over to the new world?

A: No. Progress is made at the server level for your Legendary Item Reward Track, and that progress is not carried with you when arriving to your destination world.

Q: What happens to my in-game mail on my former game world?

A: In-game mail items need to be detached and stored on your character or other form of storage prior to transfer. Mail is not preserved between transfers, and any in-game mail for your character is lost forever on your former world following transfer.

Housing and Shared Storage:

Q: What do I need to do with my personal Premium or standard Housing prior to transfer?

The belongings and history of the ownership of your house will go with your character to your destination world. When you log into the destination world you will have a mail that contains an attachment of currency equal to the purchase cost of the house. All of your items will be in Escrow Housing Storage, and character-bound items will be returned to their appropriate characters.

You will need to purchase a new Premium home with the writs you receive if you wish. We know that not everyone will be able to get the same house in the same location they have, but we will be working to offer as many neighborhoods as possible for the launch of these new worlds.

For non-Premium homes, storage capacity will be preserved and applied to the house you decide to purchase on your destination world. When you purchase your new home, it will start fresh with upkeep, ownership time, and grace period time just like any other newly-purchased non-Premium home.

Q: What do I need to do with my Premium Kinship House if I am a Kinship Leader?

You should NOT disband your Kinship. Kinship leaders MUST Abandon or Sell their Kinship Houses before they can transfer. Kinship leaders should Sell their Premium Kinship Houses in order to have 100% of the Writ cost of the Kinship house returned to them. Kinship Leaders should Abandon their Classic Kinship Houses prior to character transfer. To Abandon or Sell your Kinship House, open your Character Panel by pressing C, then select House, then select the house you wish to Abandon or Sell. The only difference between Abandon and Sell is that players Abandon their Classic houses and do not get their Gold purchase price returned. Please note that Kinship Leaders Abandoning or Selling their Kinship House prior to transfer is different from normal classic or premium player housing tranfer, where you should NOT abandon or sell your home prior to transferring your character.

When transferring a character who is a Kinship leader, the game will disband the Kinship on the former world and reform the Kinship on the new world, complete with all historical data. Players who were in that Kinship will be automatically added to the Kinship on the new world if they decide to follow the Kinship leader and transfer.

NOTE: The Kinship Leader should be the first character in the Kinship to log into the game world following transfer. If a Kinship member logs in prior to the Kinship leader, the member will be removed from the kinship, since the new kinship is not yet established on the game world. Please coordinate with your Kinship leaders on the timing of transfers. If you are removed from your Kinship, your Kinship leader will simply need to re-invite you to the Kinship and set your permissions.

Bound items in the Kinship house will be returned to their owners. Unbound items will be placed into the Kinship leader’s Personal Housing Storage or Escrow depending on the item. Any remaining pre-paid credit or unlocked storage in the Kinship house will be automatically granted when purchasing a new Kinship house on the destination world.

We know that not everyone will be able to get the same house in the same location they have on their former world, but we will be working to offer as many neighborhoods as possible for the launch of these new worlds.

Q: What do I need to know about Kinship Transfers if I am a Kin member?

You do not need to leave your Kinship, and you’ll be automatically re-joined to your kin after you transfer as long as the Kinship leader has logged into your destination game world before your character. Any of the character-bound items that you have placed into your Kinship house will be returned to you when the Kinship House is Abandoned (classic housing) or Sold (premium housing). Any unbound items will be in the Escrow or Personal Housing Storage of the Kinship leader after they’ve purchased a new Kinship house.

Q: What if someone already buys my space?

A: Housing neighborhoods will be expanded as needed, but we cannot guarantee players will keep their exact same addresses. Housing items are returned, and housing writs are refunded as part of the transfer process.

Q: Is there a limit to the amount of items that will be put in Escrow Housing Storage when I transfer over?

A: No, there is no limit on the amount of items that can be put in Escrow Housing Storage.

Q: Is there a time limit to move my items from Escrow Housing Storage?

A: No, there is not a time limit for Escrow Housing Storage.

Closed Game World FAQ:

Q: What are the closed game worlds people call “Dark Worlds”?

A: The “Dark Worlds” are LOTRO servers that were previously closed in 2015. Transfers from these worlds were available through 2018, at which time transfers became no longer available.

The closed game worlds being reopened for one-way character transfers are:

North America:

  • Darrowdelf

  • Elendilmir

  • Firefoot

  • Imladris

  • Meneldor

  • Nimrodel

  • Riddermark

  • Silverlode

  • Vilya

  • Windfola


  • Anduin

  • Eldar

  • Estel

  • Gilrain

  • Maiar

  • Morthond

  • Snowbourn

  • Vanyar

  • Withywindle

Q: When will the Dark Worlds be open for transfers?

A: Transfers from the first Dark World is currently scheduled for [DATE]. These will be opened at a cadence of one/day until all Dark Worlds are open. The opening order is as follows:


Dark World Opening Order

*Opening order is subject to change


Dwarrowdelf (US)


Anduin (EU)


Elendilmir (US)


Firefoot (US)


Eldar (EU)


Estel (EU)


Imladris (US)


Gilrain (EU)


Meneldor (US)


Maiar (EU)


Nimrodel (US)


Morthond (EU)


Riddermark (US)


Snowbourn (EU)


Silverlode (US)


Vanyar (EU)


Vilya (US)


Withywindle (EU)


Windfola (US)