Update 42.4 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 42.4, released on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
Of Special Note:
- In preparation for the introduction of new 64-bit worlds, we are increasing the base number character slots available to VIP and premium accounts.
- VIP accounts with active subscriptions will have access to 12 free player character slots (increased from 7).
- Premium accounts will have access to 10 free player character slots (increased from 5).
- Character slots for free accounts and for Monster Play characters are unchanged.
News and Notes:
- The Ill Omens event returns this year with new level cap 150 Portents! These portents will also be available via Delvings in the future. The Ill Omens Skirmish Event begins at 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) on January 30th and runs until 3:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) on February 19th.
Adventurer's and Traveller's Steel-bound lootboxes contain new "Mushroom Hunter" cosmetic items including avatar cosmetics, a war-steed accessory, a frog cosmetic pet, and new housing items including a hearth and wallpaper.
These items are also available on Rowan Raspberry for Figments of Splendour.
Adventurer's and Traveller's Steel-bound lootboxes now contain a Mushroom Hunter's Pack and Mushroom Hunter's Corgi cosmetic pet. These items are not yet available for barter.
The following pet and housing items are now available on on Rowan Raspberry for Figments of Splendour: Tome of the Sea-side Sand-lurker, Macaque Rock, Tall Macaque Palm, and Macaque Palm.
Filbert Fig has retired for the season.
Angmar and Mordor advance to level cap 65 on April 30, 2025.
- The "In Their Absence" Instance cluster will become available to play on June 4th, 2025.
- Yule Hobbit Presents have been retired for the season.
General Notes
- Most Lothlorien items bartered with Lothlorien Silver Branches and Gold Leaves now cost 20-50% fewer of those items. Since players now experience Lothlorien for shorter periods than when it originally released, it can be hard to collect enough branches and leaves before Lothlorien is no longer relevant for their characters. This change should make many Lothlorien rewards more attainable for players experiencing this zone at level 60.
- Bartered class-based ranged weapons from the new Ikorban instance cluster can now only be equipped by the class they are designed for.
- The Blue Dragon Frame, available from community events, will now display on Monster Play characters as well as Free People characters.
- Clipping issues with the Rohirrim Patron's Coffer steed have been corrected.
- Fixed an issue where Favoured Standing bonuses were not checkpointed properly. Your Favoured Standing status will now be saved between client sessions.
- We have adjusted the wording on Favoured Standing to reflect that this benefit increases the Reputation earned for Ally tier as well.
- A typo in the description of the new Favoured Standing page of the Reputation Panel has been corrected.
- The newly added stable-masters in Moria now appear on Radar and Maps.
- All stable-masters in Moria now display their title in Map tooltips.
- Swift rides from Dol Amroth (original) to Bree-town, Twenty-first Hall, and Aldburg have had their level usage requirements adjusted.
- Fixed an issue where several of the collection tabs titles were cut off in French and German.
- GERMAN: Corrected a string table error in the German localization of the turn-in objective for the Song of Waves and Wind chapter 12.5 quest: Not An Enemy, If Not A Friend.
- An issue where personal Skirmish Trait bonuses were sometimes applying in non-Skirmish instances has been corrected.
- Boars in the the instance 'Raphuz's Challenge' now correctly advance the Imhular diseased boar Deed instead of incorrectly advancing the Ambarûl boar deed.
- Champion: Armour of the Axe-handler no longer erroneously refers to an unspecific set of "Defensive Skills." It now correctly states that it reduces the cooldown of Adamant.
- Many Lothlorien reputation items were set to a higher-than-intended item level, and some were giving inappropriately high morale bonuses. These items have been adjusted down to item levels 59-60 with the appropriate stat budgets.
- Cuguru (from the Halls of Crafting) now grants Vitality in addition to its other stats.
- Fixed some tooltips in the Collections Bauble Page which erroneously referenced Mounts.
- The Ered Mithrin quests Trusted Tools and Crafts of Old will no longer remote bestow to qualifying characters while they are inside Mission: Area of Interest.
- Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb
- Sakhârshag's Frustration buff will no longer inappropriately wrap back around to Tier 5 when it hits more targets than its current tier.
Tûl Zakana
- Fixed an issue wherein additional enemies were not being properly removed on player death in the Utûgi stage of the Mûkh Bahora fight.
Fixed a graphical issue with the Imhûlari Spider Shades in the Mûkh Bahora fight.
Fixed an issue wherein the player skill Smite Evil was not smiting Imhûlari Spider Shades, despite their quite evil nature.
- Animations now play correctly for Utûgi Devastators and Utûgi Shades in the Mûkh Bahora fight.
- Attacks from shades in the Mûkh Bahora fight now play different animations for weak, medium and heavy shadow attacks.
- Moria/Lothlorien Instances
- Moria instance challenge chests now have an improved chance to drop rare rewards.
- Medallions of Lothlorien can now be bartered to receive silver branches and gold leaves.
- Medallions of Moria and Lothlorien can now be bartered to receive basic Legendary Item components.
- Dark Delvings
- Fixed several issues with Void-eater's class-based debuff tooltips.
- Fixed an issue with Doom-speaker's phase buffs.
- Both Void-eater and Doom-speaker now benefit from being in the shadows (gaining Primal Darkness, which is still fully negated by the light from rune-stones.)
- Primal Darkness now enhances enemies' offence and defence slightly (it is still completely negated by light from rune-stones.)
- The duration of Bleeding Ears has been reduced to 8 seconds.
- Forges of Khazad-dum
- Water pouches now drop twice as frequently.
- The initial hit damage and critical magnitude of Thrug's Forestorm ability has been reduced significantly.
- The damage over time applied to allies when Thrug targets you with Firestorm is now much shorter, and will fall off when combat ends.
- Fil Gashan
- Commander Greb's Counter Attack no longer triggers on DoT damage.
- Some equipment from Fil Gashan had lower-than-intended stat values. These items have been buffed slightly to give the intended amounts of their stats, matching similar items from other instances.
- Commander Greb's counterattack duration has been reduced to 10 seconds.
- General Talug's encounter has been adjusted slightly to make the core mechanics a little less finicky and speed up the overall speed of the encounter:
- General Talug now moves slightly faster even when his shield is up.
- General Talug's Vulnerability (from successfully luring him into a fire trap) now increases his Incoming Damage by 50% (rather than only negating his immunity).
- General Talug will now be susceptible to fire traps even if a player has ignited him after he is doused in oil (he will stop being vulnerable after the burning oil expires).
- Talug's Fang-caster will now drop his fire trap a little closer to himself (which ought to reduce the frequency at which it spawns under walls, pillars, or other objects in the encounter space).
- Burns applied by fire traps and fire damage while doused in oil (dropped after the Fire-fist is killed, not the effect applied by the Fire-fist's targeted skill) are slightly more potent and can no longer be cleansed by skills or potions, but will require you to run into the waterfalls on either side of the room.
- Waterfalls will now cleanse burns as soon as you step into them, and no longer require you to stand in them for several seconds.
- Halls of Crafting
- Thaguzg's max morale has been reduced significantly.
- Skumfil
- Hwandrin's health has been reduced by 20%.
- Globsnaga Guard (Spider) health has been reduced by 20%.
Brumbereth and Grimreaver have had their stats adjusted slightly to bring them closer to one another and reduce the overall difference of choosing one side vs the other.
Brumbereth's mitigations have been reduced, but her health increased slightly to compensate.
- Grimreaver's health and mitigations have both been reduced dramatically, but his offense increased slightly.
- Filikul
- Nornuan's health has been reduced by 8%.
- Nornuan's rewards have been improved.
- Dar Narbugud
- Chests in Dar Narbugud now have a slightly greater chance to reward you with more than one elf-stone.
- Chests in Dar Narbugud are now more likely to reward you with a piece of jewelry (rather than the non-set armour pieces).
- The Mistress of Pestilence's health has been reduced by 11%.
- Several Mistress skills now have slightly longer cooldowns.
- Spores in the Mistress of Pestilence encounter now spawn half as frequently.
- Reflective Spores now only return 10% of player damage (previously 20%).
- Ravenous Newborn health has been reduced by 20%.
- Some fixes have been made which will alter the way Zholuga's encounter plays out:
- Zholuga's max morale has been reduced by ~17%.
- Fixed a problem with the way Zholuga was summoning spores.
- Caster's, Fighter's, and Defender's Bane summoned spores each now have -60% Morale.
- Bane debuffs applied by spores are now significantly shorter but slightly more potent.
- Bane debuffs will now run a check against player disease resistance every 10s and a single effect will be removed if the player passes that check.
- Fixed Zholuga's color/phase-based skills and effects.
- Istum's Fungal Crawlers now deal slightly less damage