Get caught up in time for the upcoming Before the Shadow Expansion with a special coupon Code that will let you acquire many currently-available quest packs permanently on your account(s)! However, you will need to act quickly, as this Coupon Code is only available to redeem through October 31st, 2022.
The Coupon Code is: FREEQUESTS2022 (1/Account, available to redeem through October 31st, 2022)
This Coupon Code will grant the following to your game account:
- Quest Pack: Central Gondor
- Quest Pack: East Gondor
- Quest Pack: West Gondor
- Quest Pack: Old Anórien
- Region Pack: Far Anórien
- Quest Pack: March of the King
- Quest Pack: Battle of the Black Gate
- Quest Pack: Legacy of the Necromancer
- Quest Pack: Where Dragons Dwell
- Quest Pack: The Vales of Anduin
- Quest Pack: Mists of Wilderland
- Quest Pack: The Wildwood
- The Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins
- Quest Pack: The Blood of Azog
- Quest Pack: Rangers and Ruins
- Quest Pack: Yondershire
Additionally, enjoy a limited time sale on select Expansion quests in the LOTRO Store where you will be able to pick up the following items for only 99 points through October 31st, 2022:
- Mordor
- War of Three Peaks
- Minas Morgul
We hope this helps to get you and your friends ready for all the excitement of the Before the Shadow Expansion this fall!
The teams at Standing Stone Games